Saturday, November 17, 2007

America from the air

Listen to little birdie's station

As I said in an earlier post, this was my first trip to Big America, so I was happy to have clear sky during the flight.
Ahogy már egy korábbi bejegyzésemben is említettem, ez volt a legelső utam Nagy Ámerikába, így igen örültem, hogy a repülés közben tiszta volt az ég.

Somewhere on the East Coast
Valahol a keleti parton

America from the air 3

America from the air 1

The first photo appears in the video Lonely Is The Bird
Az első fotó látható az Árva az a madár c. videóban.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Pier 60

Listen to little birdie's station

A popular place for people and birds for fishing at Clearwater Beach.
Clearwater strandjának népszerű horgászhelye, emberek és madarak számára.

Pier 60 at Clearwater beach, Florida

This photo appears in the video Lonely Is The Bird
Ez a fotó látható az Árva az a madár c. videóban.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Listen to little birdie's station

Pelicans on the poles watch over Clearwater beach, to make sure that everything is fine...
Pelikánok az oszlopokon vigyázzák Clearwater strandját, hogy minden rendben legyen...


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Clearwater Beach

Listen to little birdie's station

So now a little summer feeling - the weather here is disgustingly grey...
Akkor most egy kis nyári fíling - gusztustalan szürkeség van éppen...

Middle of October, Florida:
Florida, október közepe:

Clearwater beach, Florida

Clearwater beach, Florida


Beside being a singer and going wherever my performances take me, these are the top resources which make it possible for me to live one of my dreams and travel - they can help you as well to live as you would like to, have a look here

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Clearwater by night

Listen to little birdie's station

Well, this was my very first trip to Big America, plus I have this new camera, so I was very excited to walk around and shoot, shoot :-)
Nos, ez volt a legelső utazásom Nagy Amerikába, plusz van ez a jó kis új fényképezőgépem, úgyhogy igen izgatottan sétálgattam, és csak lövöldöztem :-)

And it is definitely an inspiring place!
Határozottan inspiráló hely!

Just look at these night moods:
Csak nézd meg ezt az éjszakai hangulatot:
Clearwater by night

The two high buildings are hotels, the flat one is the City Hall. And the newly built bridge goes accross Clearwater Bay, to the beach of the Mexican Gulf.
A két magas épület szálloda, a lapos pedig a városháza. Az új híd Clearwater Bay-en keresztül a Mexikói-öböl strandjaira vezet.

And this is a view from the bridge:
Ez pedig a híd tövénél készült:

Clearwater by night

Monday, October 15, 2007

Clearwater Bay after rain

Listen to little birdie's station

Hello folks, thanks for sticking around!
Sziasztok, köszi, hogy itt vagytok!

I didn't see any computers for more than 2 weeks - but had something nicer instead: a trip to Florida... :-)
Több mint 2 hétig nem is láttam számítógépet - helyette valami szebben volt részem: Floridában jártam... :-)

Of course, took a few pictures and I still have a lot of summer photos to catch up with.
Természetesen csináltam pár képet, és még mindig van egy jóadagnyi, feldolgozásra váró nyári fotóm.

So here is one the first impressions. This is not a typical Florida picture, not a blue-sky-sand-beach that you would imagine - just wait for them a little bit, they are also coming.
Hát, itt az egyik első benyomás. Ez nem egy igazán tipikus floridai kép, nem az a kék ég, homokstrand, amit elképzelnél - azok is jönnek, csak várj egy picit!

Clearwater Bay from my hotel window, after rain.
Clearwater Bay eső után, a szállodai ablakból.
About the real colors, I didn't edit anything on the picture.
Körülbelül a valódi színek, semmit nem szerkesztettem a képen.

View it large.
Nézd meg nagyméretben!

Clearwater Bay after rain

Thursday, September 20, 2007

KKK Supermarket

Listen to little birdie's station

Still in Finland, a surprising shop.
Még mindig Finnország; egy meglepő bolt.

KKK Supermarket

No panic, it has nothing to do with that infamous KKK you would think of, this store is not owned or runned by Ku-Klux Klan. It is an ordinary supermarket chain over there. The K stands for something that I forgot :o( and the number of Ks show the rating of the shop - like you have *** and ***** hotels...
Csak semmi pánik, nincs köze ahhoz a hírhedt KKK-hoz, amire az ember gondolna, ez nem a Ku-Klux Klan üzlete. Arrafelé ez egy közönséges szupermarket-hálózat. A K valaminek a rövidítése, amit már elfelejtettem :o( és a K-k száma mutatja az illető üzlet minősítését - mint ahogy vannak *** meg ***** szállodák...

Somebody just corrected me about the Ks in a comment: the number of Ks indicates how big is the shop.
Valaki egy hozzászólásban kijavított a K-kal kapcsolatban: a K-k száma az üzlet nagyságát jelzi


Beside being a singer and going wherever my performances take me, these are the top resources which make it possible for me to live one of my dreams and travel - they can help you as well to live as you would like to, have a look here

Friday, August 31, 2007

Sunrise over train bridge in Tornio

Listen to little birdie's station

Back to travelling!
Vissza az utazásokhoz!

I indeed have a lot more pictures to work on and post... And something happened with the template of this blog, so I am trying to find the problem and fix it. I hope though, you can still enjoy the photos :-)
Tényleg van egy rakás fotóm, amin dolgoznom kellene egy kicsit és felrakni... Meg valami történt ennek a blogomnak a sablonjával, keresem a problémát, hogy ki tudjam javítani. De remélem, a képek azért élvezhetők :-)

This one is from the June trip to Finland, on the wy back.
Egy fotó a júniusi finnországi útról, visszafelé jövet.

Sunrise over train bridge in Tornio, Finland

Friday, July 6, 2007

Finnish funeral

Listen to little birdie's station

Alatornio grave yard

The reason we had this trip to North at the beginning of June was not so happy: my husband's grandmother passed away and we went to the funeral. Well, when one reaches such a nice age (she was 93), sooner or later the body will say that's it and the soul has to go and find another one that is fresh and he can use it for a new lifetime. Mummu is a very nice person and I hope she found a good place and she is doing great.
Amiert felmentunk Eszakra junius elejen, nem valami vidam: a ferjem nagymamaja meghalt, es a temetesere utaztunk. Nos, amikor az ember ilyen szep kort er meg (93 eves volt), akkor elobb-utobb a test azt fogja mondani, hogy ennyi! es a lelek pedig elmegy, hogy keressen egy masikat, egy frisset, amit tud hasznalni a kovetkezo eleteben. Mummu nagyon jo teremtes, es remelem, jo helyet talalt maganak es jol van.

I didn't take any photos in the church during the ceremony, but I can tell you that it was quite different from what I have seen in Hungary.
Bent a templomban nem fotoztam, de azt meg kell mondanom, hogy elegge mas volt a szertartas, mint Magyarorszagon.

First of all, the closest male family members (my father-in-law, his 4 sons and 1 grand-son) wore white tie, instead of black. That is customary so up there in Finland.
Eloszoris, a legkozelebbi ferfi csaladtagok (aposom, 4 fia es 1 unokaja) a fekete helyett feher nyakkendot viseltek, ez Finnorszagban igy szokas.

The coffin was also beautifully covered with white silk. In Hungary, traditionally, only children or young girls would be buried in white, everybody else in black.
A koporso szinten gyonyoruen be vont vonva feher selyemmel. Nalunk hagyomanyosan csak a gyerekeket es a fiatal lanyokat temetik feherben, mindenki mast feketeben.

In Hungary, when the dead is still on the bier (catafalque, I don't know which word is more common), their body is not covered so that people can take a last look at them when saying goodbye. It is in a separate small death house in the grave yard and the whole procession to the grave starts from there, after a memorial and covering the coffin. In older days and in certain places still today, relatives especially women would keep vigil: they would stay with the deceased even the whole night and often they would also sing.
A magyaroknal, amikor a halott a ravatalon fekszik, meg nincs letakarva, hogy meg lehessen ra vetni egy utolso pillantast, amikor a hozzatartozok elbucsuznak tole. Mindez egy kulonallo kis hazban van, es az egesz temetesi menet innen indul, megemlekezes es a koporso lefedese utan. Regebben, es sok helyen meg ma is, a rokonok, foleg nok virrasztanak: az elhunyttal maradnak esetleg egesz ejszaka is, es sokszor enekelnek.

Here it was different: the coffin was already covered and only the closest family members could go in the death house. From there, the men had to take the coffin and carry it into the church where relatives and other people are already waiting.
Itt mas volt: a koporsot mar elozoleg lefedtek, es csak a legszukebb csalad mehetett be a ravatalozoba. Innen a ferfiak vittek a koprsot a templomba, ahol a tobbi rokon es masok varakoztak.
During the ceremony, all the people who are present go up to the coffin in the middle of the church and lay their wreaths around the coffin, reading out loud what is written on the ribbon. One family after the other, this way everyone can hear who came to honor the departed.
A szertarts alatt az osszes jelenlevo odament a templom kozepen fekvo koporsohoz, hogy elhelyezzek a koszorujukat, hangosan felolvasva, mi allt a szalagon, egyik csalad a masik utan.
I figured that this might be a reason why a Hungarian funeral is much more emotional than a Finnish one: here one had to be aware of what is happening, go up there and read something aloud while everybody was watching and listening and it certainly requires a greater presence of mind.
Arra gondoltam, hogy ez lehet az egyik oka annak, hogy egy magyar temetes sokkal erzelemdusabb, mint egy finn: itt mindenkinek tudatosan kellett kovetnie, hogy mi tortenik, kimenni oda, hangosan felolvasni valamit, mikozben mindenki figyel, es ez minden bizonnyal nagyobb lelekjelenletet kovetel.
There was a song almost everybody was singing that I particularly liked: Herra kadellasi
Egy enek kulonoskeppen tetszett nekem, amit majdnem mindenki enekelt.
And then again, from the church, the men carry the coffin to the grave and only the closest family goes with. The rest follows a bit later.
Aztan a templombol szinten a csalad ferfiai viszik a koporsot a sirhoz, csak a szukebb csaladdal. A tobbiek egy picit kesobb mennek utanuk.
Alatornio grave yard

One more big difference was that in Hungary, they have the memorial at the grave - this is what I remember. And when the coffin is already in the ground, everybody (or at least the closer relatives and friends) would throw a handful of soil on it, before the undertakers do the rest and when the tomb is ready, people put their wreaths on it. Here they just put the coffin in the grave, covered it some plastic that gave it a tomb shape and the flowers went ot that. The undertakers will finish the burying later.
Meg egy nagy kulonbseg, hogy Magyarorszagon a szertartas a sirnal folyik le - ahogy en emlekszem. Es amikor a koporso mar a foldben van, akkor mindenki (vagy legalabbis a kozelebbi rokonok es baratok) radobnak egy marek foldet, mielott a sirasok elvegzik el a tobbit, es az emberek a mar kesz sirhantra teszik a koszorukat. Itt pedig csak berakjak a sirba, befedik valami muanyaggal, ami sirhant format ad az egesznek, es arra kerultek a viragok. A sirasok majd kesobb fejezik be magat a temetest.
Of course, I will not post here the family photos, only these ones from the grave yard.
Termeszetesen ide nem rakok fel csaladi fenykepeket, csak ezeket a fotokat a temetorol.

Alatornio grave yard

My next post will be more cheerful, I promise. What do you think about Finnish sauna, let's say?
A kovetkezo bejegyzesem vidamabb lesz, igerem. Mit szoltok, mondjuk, a finn szaunahoz?


Beside being a singer and going wherever my performances take me, these are the top resources which make it possible for me to live one of my dreams and travel - they can help you as well to live as you would like to, have a look here

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Alatornio church

Listen to little birdie's station

It was a wonderful, particularly warm day, around 25 Celsius, which is not common in the beginning of June here. On the second day of our trip to the North we visited a magnifique place. Csodaszep, kulonlegesen meleg nap volt, 25 fok korul, ami errefele nem mondhato mindennapinak junius elejen. Eszaki utunk masodik napjan ellatogattunk egy lenyugozo templomba.

Alatornio is a part of the Finnish city Tornio, located at the Swedish-Finnish border, right where the Tornio river runs into the Gulf of Bothnia.
Alatornio a Tornio nevu finn varosnak egy resze, rogton ott, ahol a Tornio folyo beleomlik a Botteni-obolbe, Svedorszag es Finnorszag hataran.

Alatornio church, Finland. Photos: Andrea Gerak

The basics of this great Evangelical-Lutheran church might be even reaching back to 1208, but at least to the 14th century. Under Gustaf Adolph IV, as you can see it on the facade, got its final shape.
A hatalmas evangelikus-lutheranus templom alapjai talan 1208-ra nyulnak vissza, de biztosan legalabb a XIV. szazadig. Mint ahogy a homlokzaton is lathato, IV. Gusztav Adolf ideje alatt nyerte el vegso formajat.

Alatornio church, Finland. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Alatornio church, Finland. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Alatornio church, Finland. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Besides congregational activities, they have also concerts in the church.
Az egyhazkozossegi eleten kivul koncerteket is rendeznek a templomban.

It is also part of the Struve Geodetic Arc which belongs to UNESCO's World Heritage List.
Ezenkivul a Struve-fele geodeziai ivhez tartozik (ennek sajnos meg csak a nevet sem talaltam meg magyarul), amely az UNESCO vilagoroksegenek resze.

Monday, June 25, 2007

On the way to the North

Listen to little birdie's station

On the way up to Northern Sweden, after the Högakustenbron it was still wonderful. We were lucky to drive in bright sunshine - well, maybe not the drivers, but I could enjoy the fantastic landscape.

A couple of random pictures of the typical scenes you can see when you drive along the Eastern coast line in Sweden: lots of, lots of woods, lakes and fields.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Högakustenbron, Sweden

Listen to little birdie's station

Continuing our trip we had a quick stop at the High Coast where there is a huge bridge, the Högakustenbron.

You find a great restaurant there and everything you need to take a rest when you are on the road.
This time we just bought some water, ice cream and such.

Högakustenbron, Sweden. Photo: Andrea Gerak

Högakustenbron, Sweden. Photo: Andrea Gerak

Högakustenbron, Sweden. Photo: Andrea Gerak

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Early in the morning

Listen to little birdie's station

As I said here, on Wednesday we went on a trip to Finland, up North, just to the Swedish-Finnish border. To the same place and on the same route as last July.

Left at 3 o'clock in the morning, after about 40 minutes sleep...

But I couldn't fall asleep for a good while, because I didn't want to miss the wonderful sunrise... and it was anyway fun in the minibus, with ll those boys: my husband and his 3 brothers, one son and my father-in-law. Had some great blues and rock music

Just outside of Stockholm:

Summer sunrise in Sweden. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Summer sunrise in Sweden. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Summer sunrise in Sweden. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ekolsund Castle

Listen to little birdie's station

And this is behind the lamp:

Ekolsund Castle, Sweden. Photo: Andrea Gerak

Up in the court yard

Ekolsund Castle, Sweden. Photo: Andrea Gerak

Ekolsund Castle, Sweden. Photo: Andrea Gerak

Ekolsund Castle, Sweden. Photo: Andrea Gerak

At the back of the court yard, there are 2 of this kind of red buildings, for the personnel and storage.

Ekolsund Castle, Sweden. Photo: Andrea Gerak