Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Alatornio church

Listen to little birdie's station

It was a wonderful, particularly warm day, around 25 Celsius, which is not common in the beginning of June here. On the second day of our trip to the North we visited a magnifique place. Csodaszep, kulonlegesen meleg nap volt, 25 fok korul, ami errefele nem mondhato mindennapinak junius elejen. Eszaki utunk masodik napjan ellatogattunk egy lenyugozo templomba.

Alatornio is a part of the Finnish city Tornio, located at the Swedish-Finnish border, right where the Tornio river runs into the Gulf of Bothnia.
Alatornio a Tornio nevu finn varosnak egy resze, rogton ott, ahol a Tornio folyo beleomlik a Botteni-obolbe, Svedorszag es Finnorszag hataran.

Alatornio church, Finland. Photos: Andrea Gerak

The basics of this great Evangelical-Lutheran church might be even reaching back to 1208, but at least to the 14th century. Under Gustaf Adolph IV, as you can see it on the facade, got its final shape.
A hatalmas evangelikus-lutheranus templom alapjai talan 1208-ra nyulnak vissza, de biztosan legalabb a XIV. szazadig. Mint ahogy a homlokzaton is lathato, IV. Gusztav Adolf ideje alatt nyerte el vegso formajat.

Alatornio church, Finland. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Alatornio church, Finland. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Alatornio church, Finland. Photos: Andrea Gerak

Besides congregational activities, they have also concerts in the church.
Az egyhazkozossegi eleten kivul koncerteket is rendeznek a templomban.

It is also part of the Struve Geodetic Arc which belongs to UNESCO's World Heritage List.
Ezenkivul a Struve-fele geodeziai ivhez tartozik (ennek sajnos meg csak a nevet sem talaltam meg magyarul), amely az UNESCO vilagoroksegenek resze.